MINDFULNESS MATTERS: Creating Space for 2024

by Cynthia Runge

One of the things I love to do at the end of each year is reflect back over the prior year. I find it gratifying to think about all of the things that happened over the past 12 months. I’m also always amazed at how many things I planned for that never actually happened vs. the things I never anticipated, which actually did happen. Life is truly miraculous and amazing! So much gets packed into the 12 months we call a "year” — and yet it goes by in an instant.

The end of the year is also a great time to take stock of where you are in relation to your goals for the new year. One tool I have found for bringing clarity to that process is getting rid of clutter in my life. And, the end of year is a great time to purge! For example, I have been whining for a couple of years that I am really going to clean out the basement, which has proven to be a daunting project. However, we recently decided that we want to repurpose that space, which has given me the motivation to go down there and make it happen! Some of the stuff was donated, some of it was re-purposed, but a lot of it was just thrown out because I don’t know why I had it in the first place.

The best part about throwing out clutter is the feeling of lightness you experience once it is gone. It is like the “stuff” has a psychic heaviness to it that sticks to you, making it the last thing you want to focus on. It can be tough getting started on these projects, but if you can enlist some friends/family to help, or get some good tunes going to pump up your motivation, you can make some serious headway to make space for something better. 

Happy New Year — here’s to clearing out space for good things and people to come into your life in 2024!