by Cynthia Runge

Rethink your vacation so it’s REALLY a vacation!

Recently, I saw a funny meme that showed two different out-of-office emails. One was from someone in Europe that said, “I’m away camping for the summer. Please email back in September.” The next one was an American out-of-office response which said, “I have left the office for two hours to undergo kidney surgery, but you can reach me on my cell anytime.”

Sadly, I laughed recognizing that somehow this is the standard against which we measure ourselves. Why is there an expectation that we should be available 24/7? This got me thinking about how I handle my own time off. According to dictionary.com, “a vacation is: a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday”. The reality is that if we don’t allow ourselves sufficient time to rest and rejuvenate, we can’t be at our best for ourselves or others. We all need rest/vacations, whether it is a staycation, or somewhere far, far away. We all need rest if we are to remain healthy, maintain perspective, and live our own lives.

Recently, I went on a vacation. As has been my norm, I took my computer with me, figuring I could do a little work in the morning before anyone was up, just to stay on top of things. It was my teenager who informed me (and made me realize) that my practice of so doing, was not a vacation at all. I have promised that henceforth – all future vacations will be computer free. I must admit, it is scary to completely unplug for a period, especially in a profession where we are constantly receiving information. However, I realize there are huge benefits to letting go of my computer, even if only for a little while.

Are you willing to re-think the way you have experienced your vacations? What are the possibilities if you do? We’d love to hear your experiences!

This article appeared in our Summer 2022 Newsletter.