Divorce and Children

by Sarah Zweerink

Going through a divorce is often painful and stressful for adults; even more so when children are involved. Below are some resources parents can use to help discuss the process with their children in a healthy manner.

The below web sites, books and videos provide guidance on the range of emotions and behaviors children may go through when their parents divorce. We also provide information about Parenting Coordinators, another helpful resource.

As an adult, it helps to remain flexible, open and honest with children about the process. That being said, adults must also maintain appropriate boundaries with their children so as to protect them from hearing too much information, which can harm them.

At Peridot Family Law, we care about you and your children. If you are in need of additional resources for you or your children, please reach out and we will try to point you in the right direction. If you are in need of competent and caring family law legal services, we are available to help.


Divorce and Children: Guidelines for Parents

Supporting Kids During a Divorce

Helping Children Cope with Divorce


Young Children

Two Homes
by Claire Masurel

Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families
by Laurene Krasny Brown and Marc Brown


Now What Do I Do? A Guide to Help Teenagers with Their Parents' Separation or Divorce
by Lynn Cassella-Kapusinki

Divorce Helpbook for Teens
by Cynthia MacGregor

Big and Little Questions (According to Wren Jo Byrd)
by Julie Bowe


Putting Children First: Proven Parenting Strategies for Helping Children Thrive Through Divorce
by JoAnne Pedro-Carroll

Talking to Children About Divorce: A Parent's Guide to Healthy Communication at Each Stage of Divorce
by Jean McBride MS LMFT


The Impact of Divorce on Children
Dr. Tamara D. Afifi at TEDxUCSB

Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges — Divorce — "Abby's Story"

Peridot Family Law Youtube Channel


Parenting coordinators (PC's) are trained individuals who have experience working with and supporting children. They can be appointed by the Court or selected by the parents. They serve as an advocate for the children when parents are struggling to co-parent during and after the divorce process. PC’s can be a very helpful resource; especially for contentious divorce proceedings when you and your spouse are struggling to work together or see eye to eye. They can supervise parenting time, ensure custody plans are followed, and assist the parents in reaching amicable resolutions to child related issues. They do not serve as therapists nor legal counsel for either the parents or the children; but they can provide advice and help smooth the transition into a healthy co-parenting arrangement.

  • The Massachusetts Probate and Family Court is hosting a parenting coordinator training on September 13, 2023 (live) as well as September 28 and October 6 (recorded).


Appointments available in Boston and Woburn, Massachusetts.
Virtual appointments are offered for New York state mediation and collaborative law clients.